
Protecting our business

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Protecting our business

We have a lot of valuable stock in our showroom and I have to make sure it's protected overnight. Unfortunately, we can't be there round the clock but our security system is always working to make sure that the only people in our showrooms are the ones who have the right to be there. I love the fact that I can now get security alerts to my smartphone and even head online to check out the security camera footage at any time of the night or day. This blog is all about security systems for small business owners like me.


How Retail Shop Employees Can Become Part of the Security System

You can train the employees in your retail shop to play a crucial role in enhancing the security of your business. This is necessary even if you have an electronic business security system, such as CCTV cameras within the business premises. This article discusses how your employees can provide an added layer of security to your retail business. Eye Contact Some customers may wish to browse the items available on the shelves on their own. Read More 

Are Physical Patrols Really the Best Way to Protect Your Car Dealership?

Are you thinking of hiring a physical patrol team to protect your car lot? While using real people may seem like the best way to monitor your dealership, security guards aren't always the best choice. Here are the three flaws you need to know about physical patrol systems, and one alternative that eliminates these problems. Physical Patrols are Limited Human beings may be have impressive capabilities, but they also have the unfortunate limitation of only being able to be in one place at one time. Read More 

Different Pros of Installing Steel Sliding Security Doors

If you are a homeowner, one of your major concerns would be ensuring that your belongings and loved ones are safe at all times. One of the easiest ways of doing this would be by installing security doors at your primary entryways. However, some homeowners tend to assume that security doors will detract from the kerb appeal of their home by making it seem like caged property. The reality is that you now have a wide assortment of designs and materials to choose from when it comes to your security doors, so you can rest assured that they will not only be functional but will also complement the property's aesthetics. Read More 

How to Talk to an Elderly Parent About Personal Health Alarms

From 2011 to 2012, 96,385 people aged 65 and over were hospitalised after a fall-related injury. Hearing statistics like this can be extremely worrying if you have an elderly parent living alone. Personal health alarms are a simple way of providing much-needed safety, security and peace of mind for you and your parent. As with many topics that arise during old age, the subject of personal health alarms can be a tricky one. Read More 

Four Reasons Home Owners Should Update Their Home Security Systems

Every year, there are around 200,000 home burglaries across Australia, an average of 2.5 percent of all properties in the country. There are some obvious things people can do to avoid joining the list of victims, such as not leaving keys under plant-pots nearby, tending your garden, keeping the home visible from the road and even owning a dog (any dog seems to work). However, for many people, the main line of defence is an effective security alarm system. Read More